Demos & Workshops

Demonstrations and Workshops


Mokuhanga & Nara

墨-フュージョン 木版画と奈良

We are welcoming applications for Demonstrations and Workshops. Please familiarize yourself with the information and guidelines below before making an application. The deadline for application is March 31.


  • December 3, 2021 Friday, 13:00 – 17:00


  • Conference Room 4, Nara Kasugano International Forum IRAKA, 101 Kasuganocho, Nara 630-8212, Nara Prefecture.


  • To present a demonstration or workshop, the applicant must first make a proposal, see below.
  • Demonstrations and workshops must be related to mokuhanga, Japanese woodblock printmaking.
  • Each presentation will be limited to a maximum of two hours, which will include time for translation into Japanese.
  • The presenter must bear the cost of required tools and materials. Work tables will be provided.
  • Once a proposal has been accepted, the applicant needs to pay a fee of JP¥5000 in addition to the conference registration fee, which must be paid to fully confirm acceptance. Payment must be made through PayPal to the following PayPal account .

Making a proposal:

Please submit the following information before March 31 to :

  • An abstract of the demonstration or workshop limited to 3000 characters (around 300 words) in English or Japanese.
  • Applicant’s biography in 1000 characters (around 100 words).
  • Applicant’s passport-size portrait, maximum file size 1MB jpeg
  • Three digital images in JPEG format, maximum file size 1MB each.
  • The demonstration or workshop will be limited to a maximum of 2 hours. Extensions will not be allowed.

Note: Once a proposal for a demonstration or workshop has been accepted, presenters will be required to pay a fee of JP¥5000 in addition to the conference fee and register in order to conduct the demonstration or workshop at the conference. The deadline for applications is March 31.